Do you know what your blood pressure is? Most people don’t. Why is it important? If your blood pressure is high, it might mean something is wrong and needs treatment. While many people don’t think about their blood pressure until it becomes a problem, it’s important to monitor it, especially if your family has a history of high blood pressure. If it isn’t treated, it can lead to hypertension, heart attack, and heart failure.

The Most Common Signs

  • Headaches: If you experience headaches, especially after physical activity, you could have high blood pressure.
  • Shortness of breath: If you are short of breath after walking short distances, it could indicate you have an issue with your blood pressure.  
  • Dizziness: Being lightheaded and dizzy when standing up or climbing stairs can be another indicator.
  • Blurred vision: If your vision seems blurred or you are seeing double, it could be another sign you have high blood pressure.
  • Heart racing: If your heart rate begins to beat very fast for no reason, it could be another sign that you should check your blood pressure.

Patients with high blood pressure have also experienced vomiting, nosebleeds, and numbness. If you have experienced any of the symptoms listed above, it’s vital to visit your Primary Care Provider  and check your blood pressure.

Treatment Options

You have a lot of options available for treatment. The three biggest options are listed below:

  • Lifestyle changes
      • Exercise regularly
      • Eat a low-salt diet
      • Stop smoking
      • Lower caffeine in your diet
      • Lower the amount of alcohol you drink
      • Maintain a healthy weight
  • Stress Management
    • Use relaxation techniques like meditation 
    • Talk to a counselor 
    • Use anger-management methods
    • Get massages regularly
  • Medication:
  • Beta blockers widen blood vessels and help the heart not work so hard
  • Water pills help the body get rid of high salt levels and excess water
  • Alpha blockers help relax blood vessels to help blood flow

Your Primary Care Provider will choose the appropriate medication for you according to American Medical Association guidelines.

Why Is It Important to See Your Primary Care Provider  Regularly?

It is important to have your blood pressure checked regularly. You could have high blood pressure and not know it. Unfortunately, it doesn’t always have symptoms. This means it could be damaging your kidneys, heart, and even your brain without you even knowing it. When it isn’t properly treated, high blood pressure can cause heart disease and stroke.

Visit Your Primary Care Provider 

The only way to be sure you don’t have high blood pressure is to have it checked. See your Primary Care Provider so they can check and offer treatment options to help you maintain a healthy blood pressure.

If you don’t have a Primary Care Provider or need help getting Medicaid coverage so you can see one, reach out to us today. At Jai Medical Systems, we are always here to help you with your medical benefits.