Colorectal (colon and rectal) cancer is the third most common cancer in the world. It is more slightly common in men than in women. Colon cancer screening can often lead to early detection and treatment.

What Is Colon Cancer?

Colon cancer is cancer that begins in your colon or large bowel. Sometimes, colon cancer is referred to as colorectal cancer. This is because colon cancer and rectal cancer share many of the same features.

Colon cancer occurs when cells in your colon experience changes in their DNA. When this happens, cells can grow rapidly and out of control. In some cases, a tumor can grow.

Colon cancer cells can destroy nearby healthy tissues. They can also break away and spread to other organs and parts of the body.

How Common Is Colon Cancer in Men?

About 1 in 23 men will be diagnosed with colorectal cancer at some point in their life. In 2024, an estimated 54,210 men will be diagnosed with colon cancer.

When Should Men Start Getting Screened for Colon Cancer?

Many men can have their first colon cancer screening at the age of 45. Colon cancer screening is also known as a colonoscopy.

During this test, your doctor uses a long, thin tube with a video camera to view the inside of your colon. Then, your doctor collects a small sample of your tissue. Next, your tissue sample is sent to a lab where it is checked for colon cancer.

How Often Should Men Be Checked After The First Colonoscopy?

If you are in good health, your doctor may recommend a colonoscopy every 10 years after your first screening. After you turn 75, your doctor will determine whether you need more tests based on your health status. Colon cancer screening is no longer recommended after you turn 85.

If you meet risk factors for colon cancer, your doctor may recommend being screened more often. Risk factors for colon cancer include:

  • A personal history of colon cancer or polyps
  • A family history of colon cancer
  • A personal history of inflammatory bowel disease
  • A possible hereditary colorectal cancer syndrome
  • Previous radiation treatment to the belly or pelvic area

Take Action: Raising Awareness for Colon Cancer Screening

Colon cancer screening is an important part of men’s health, especially if you meet the risk factors for colon cancer. If you have male friends and family over the age of 45, it may be a good idea to tell them about the importance of screening.

Here are some ways to take action and raise awareness about colonoscopies:

  • Share risk factors of colon cancer with others.
  • Tell your friends over the age of 45 to ask their doctors about colon cancer screening.
  • Share facts about colon cancer on social media.
  • Send e-cards to male friends and family to remind them about screening.
  • Participate in a fundraiser for colon cancer research.

Jai Medical Systems can connect you with a men’s health provider today. Contact us at 1-888-524-1999 to learn more about our benefits and services.

Prenatal care and postpartum care are for women who are pregnant or who just gave birth. These health services offer many lasting benefits for you and your baby.

Here’s what these services are and how to contact JMS if you need help finding a provider.

What Is Prenatal Care?

Prenatal care is also known as prenatal wellness. It is the health care you receive during pregnancy. The main goal of prenatal care is to help you and your baby stay healthy.

Prenatal care appointments are held at least once a month. You meet with your doctor to talk about your pregnancy. You may also have checkups and tests. Tests can reveal whether you have a condition that requires treatment before your baby is born.

What Is Postpartum Care?

Postpartum care is also known as postpartum wellness. It is health care you receive for three to 12 weeks after your baby is born.

During these appointments, your doctor will check your physical and mental health. This is done to see how you are adjusting to life after having a baby. Your doctor will also examine your newborn.

What Do These Care Processes Look Like?

Here’s what to expect from prenatal and postnatal care.

Prenatal Care

Prenatal care starts the moment you learn you are pregnant up until the day you have your baby. Appointments are spaced about a month apart for the first six months. After that, appointments may be held once or twice a week.

Prenatal visits are an ideal time to mention any symptoms to your doctor. You may also undergo routine tests at every appointment, including:

  • Screenings for diabetes and preeclampsia
  • Blood pressure reading
  • Weight check
  • Abdominal measurements
  • Fetal heart rate monitoring

These tests can help your doctor detect issues or problems early on. This allows you to have them treated before your baby arrives.

Postpartum Care

Postpartum care lasts up to 12 weeks. During postpartum visits, your doctor will weigh and examine your baby. They may check your newborn’s hearing and vision.

Topics that may come up during postpartum care include:

  • Breastfeeding and formula-feeding
  • Postnatal vitamins
  • Diet and nutrition
  • Vaginal bleeding
  • Bowel movements
  • Mood changes
  • Sleeping patterns
  • Birth control
  • Exercise

Your doctor may also share tips on self-care and how to manage your maternal health during your early postpartum days.

What Are the Specific Benefits of Each?

Prenatal and postpartum care can reduce the risk of problems in you, your baby, and your family. This is one of the top benefits of these services.

Long-term benefits of prenatal care:

  • Learn about your baby’s growth and development
  • Treat chronic conditions early on
  • Reduce the risk of illness and disease
  • Learn more about pregnancy

Long-term benefits of postnatal care:

  • Learn important tips about nursing and feeding
  • Start using birth control
  • Experience a healthy and fast recovery
  • Reduce your risk of postpartum depression
  • Learn more about newborn care
  • Reduce your risk of hospital readmission

Prenatal and postnatal care can benefit everyone in the family—not just expectant mothers. These services can teach your partner and children about pregnancy and newborn care. Most importantly, they can protect your health and that of your baby and help you live a long, happy life with your loved ones.

 Jai Medical Systems provides case management services to all pregnant members. Your case manager can help connect you with prenatal and postpartum providers. Your case manager can also connect you with individualized resources and programs to ensure you receive the best care possible during and after your pregnancy. Contact us at 1-888-524-1999 and ask to speak with an OB case manager today. 

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