In the United States, flu season starts in the fall and continues through winter. Preparing for the flu season can protect you and your family from this contagious virus.
Here’s more about flu season and what you can do to stay healthy.
What Is Flu Season?
Flu season is the time of year when the flu is highly contagious. It usually starts sometime in October. It gets worse between December and February. Sometimes, the flu season can last until May.
During flu season, it may be easier for you to get the flu. This is because it can spread from person to person no matter where you go. You can get it at school, or you can get it from a family member. You can get it when you go shopping, or when you visit the hospital.
There are many easy ways to protect yourself from the flu:
- Get vaccinated. Get the new flu 2022 vaccine. You can get it from your doctor or at a pharmacy.
- Wash your hands regularly. Use soap and running water.
- Avoid touching your nose, mouth, and eyes. Germs can enter your body this way.
- Cough or sneeze into your arm or a tissue. This can prevent the spreading of germs.
- Avoid contact with sick people. An infected person can give you the flu if they cough or sneeze.
- Stay home when you don’t feel well. This can protect other people from the flu.
- Wear a face covering. This may reduce your risk for the flu and other illnesses.
How to Prepare for Flu Season
Taking the proper steps to prepare for flu season can prevent you from getting sick. It can also help you avoid giving the flu to someone else if you end up getting it.
Here’s how to get ready for flu season.
Get a Flu Shot
A new flu shot comes out every year. This is because the flu virus changes from one year to the next. So last year’s flu shot won’t protect you against this year’s flu.
The flu vaccine is already available for the 2022 to 2023 flu season. Visit your doctor to get a flu shot as soon as possible.
Prepare Your Medicine Cabinet
Make sure you have medicine on hand to treat the flu. This way, you won’t have to leave home if you get sick.
You will need the following supplies for the flu:
- Thermometer. This can tell you whether you have a fever and need to see a doctor.
- Pain medicine. Over-the-counter pain medicine can help relieve your flu symptoms.
- Cough drops. These lozenges can reduce pain caused by a sore throat.
- Nasal spray. This can make your nose feel less stuffy.
- COVID-19 test. The flu and COVID have many of the same symptoms. A COVID test can tell you whether you have COVID or the flu.
Get rid of any medicines that are old or expired. Old medications may not reduce your flu symptoms.
Know What to Do If You Get Sick
If you get the flu, stay home. This will prevent you from spreading the flu to others. You can care for yourself if your symptoms are mild. Use the medicines in your medicine cabinet to treat your symptoms.
Stay home for at least 24 hours after your fever is gone. Your fever should be gone without having to use medicine that makes it go away.
Do not leave your home unless you need to see a doctor or buy more medicine. This means you should not go to work or school. You also should not travel, go shopping, or spend time with friends.
When to See a Doctor
Visit your doctor if you have the flu and are in a high-risk group. You could get sicker if you are in a high-risk group and don’t see a doctor. You are high risk if you:
- Are at least 65 years old
- Are under the age of 2 years old
- Have a chronic health condition
- Are pregnant
- Have cancer
- Have a disability
You should also see your doctor if you are very sick or worried about the flu.
Go to the emergency room if you have emergency warning signs of the flu. These warning signs include:
- Breathing problems
- Seizures
- Fever above 104°F
- Chest pain
- Severe muscle pain
- Severe weakness
- Dehydration
- Face or lips look blue
A doctor at a hospital or urgent care center can treat these symptoms.
Jai Medical Systems is devoted to ensuring that you and your family stay healthy and avoid the flu in 2022. Contact us today at 1-888-524-1999 to find out how to join Jai Medical Systems.