Do you know what your blood pressure is? Most people don’t. Why is it important? If your blood pressure is high, it might mean something is wrong and needs treatment. While many people don’t think about their blood pressure until it becomes a problem, it’s important to monitor it, especially if your family has a history of high blood pressure. If it isn’t treated, it can lead to hypertension, heart attack, and heart failure.

The Most Common Signs

  • Headaches: If you experience headaches, especially after physical activity, you could have high blood pressure.
  • Shortness of breath: If you are short of breath after walking short distances, it could indicate you have an issue with your blood pressure.  
  • Dizziness: Being lightheaded and dizzy when standing up or climbing stairs can be another indicator.
  • Blurred vision: If your vision seems blurred or you are seeing double, it could be another sign you have high blood pressure.
  • Heart racing: If your heart rate begins to beat very fast for no reason, it could be another sign that you should check your blood pressure.

Patients with high blood pressure have also experienced vomiting, nosebleeds, and numbness. If you have experienced any of the symptoms listed above, it’s vital to visit your Primary Care Provider  and check your blood pressure.

Treatment Options

You have a lot of options available for treatment. The three biggest options are listed below:

  • Lifestyle changes
      • Exercise regularly
      • Eat a low-salt diet
      • Stop smoking
      • Lower caffeine in your diet
      • Lower the amount of alcohol you drink
      • Maintain a healthy weight
  • Stress Management
    • Use relaxation techniques like meditation 
    • Talk to a counselor 
    • Use anger-management methods
    • Get massages regularly
  • Medication:
  • Beta blockers widen blood vessels and help the heart not work so hard
  • Water pills help the body get rid of high salt levels and excess water
  • Alpha blockers help relax blood vessels to help blood flow

Your Primary Care Provider will choose the appropriate medication for you according to American Medical Association guidelines.

Why Is It Important to See Your Primary Care Provider  Regularly?

It is important to have your blood pressure checked regularly. You could have high blood pressure and not know it. Unfortunately, it doesn’t always have symptoms. This means it could be damaging your kidneys, heart, and even your brain without you even knowing it. When it isn’t properly treated, high blood pressure can cause heart disease and stroke.

Visit Your Primary Care Provider 

The only way to be sure you don’t have high blood pressure is to have it checked. See your Primary Care Provider so they can check and offer treatment options to help you maintain a healthy blood pressure.

If you don’t have a Primary Care Provider or need help getting Medicaid coverage so you can see one, reach out to us today. At Jai Medical Systems, we are always here to help you with your medical benefits.


Lead is a toxic metal that originates in the earth’s crust. It is found in many products, including toys, paint, and some foods.

Exposure to lead can affect your children’s mental and physical development. But lead screenings can help you determine whether your kids have been exposed to lead, and if treatment is necessary.

Why Are Infants at Risk for Lead Poisoning?

Babies and children are more vulnerable to lead poisoning than adults. This is for several reasons, including:

  • Kids frequently do hand-mouth behaviors.
  • Kids spend more time on the floor and ground.
  • Kids can absorb lead from their intestines more easily than adults.
  • Kids brains are still developing and are more vulnerable to lead damage.
  • Kids’ liver detox systems are still developing.
  • Kids’ immune systems are still developing.

Lead is commonly found in homes built before 1978. Kids who spend time in older homes may be at high risk for lead poisoning. They may also be at risk if their parents spend lots of time around lead. For these reasons, Maryland began to require kids to be tested for lead poisoning at 1 and 2 years of age in 2016.

What Is Lead Testing for Infants and Children?

Lead screenings are an important part of infant healthcare. This blood test can help you determine if your kids have been exposed to lead.

There are three lead testing methods: finger prick, heel prick, and venous draw.

The finger- and heel-prick tests can produce results within a few minutes. However, results may be less accurate if lead is on the skin.

The venous draw method is more accurate than the other tests. Results usually come back within a few days. Your provider can help you choose the best testing method for your children.

What Are the Benefits of Lead Screenings?

Lead poisoning doesn’t always produce symptoms. Your kids could have lead poisoning and not know it. Screening can confirm whether or not your children have lead in their systems.

Other benefits of this child healthcare screening:

  • It can help you find out if lead exposure is ongoing.
  • It can make you aware of lead exposure in your home.
  • Early detection of lead poisoning, before a child may develop symptoms, allows for early intervention and treatment.
  • It can reduce the risk of serious related health problems. Lead exposure can damage the brain, kidneys, and nervous system. Exposure to high levels may also cause seizures or death.

Most importantly, lead screenings can help your kids stay happy, healthy, and active.

Finding the source of lead exposure is the first step in treating lead poisoning. Then, you can take steps to remove lead from your children’s environment.

Severe cases of lead poisoning may be treated with medication. Your provider can talk to you more about the benefits of lead screenings for children.

If you think your child has been exposed to lead, JMS can connect you with a provider offering lead testing. Please Contact JMS today at 1-888-524-1999 for more information. 

It can be easy to forget about a yearly physical during the holidays. If you haven’t had an annual physical this year, it’s not too late! Getting one now could help keep you safe and healthy, especially during cold and flu season.

Here are reasons to schedule a yearly exam today.

What Are the Benefits of a Yearly Physical?

A yearly exam can help your doctor find and treat problems early on. Other benefits of an annual exam include:

  • Lab Screenings . Your doctor can order lab tests to get a baseline of your health. .
  • Ask questions. You can share  any health-related questions or concerns.
  • Gain useful health tips. Learn new ways to stay healthy and manage long-term conditions like diabetes and hypertension.
  • Discuss healthy behaviors. Exercise and nutrition are good behaviors that can help you avoid illness. Your doctor may also talk about sleep and mental health.
  • Get vaccinated. You can get the latest vaccines or boosters during an annual checkup. This includes a yearly flu shot.
  • Review your medications. Find out whether you should stop or start new drugs.
  • See your doctor free of charge. Yearly exams are covered by your health insurance coverage.
  • Improve the patient-doctor relationship. A yearly exam can strengthen the relationship between you and your doctor. This can lead to better health outcomes.

Lastly, as a member of Jai Medical Systems, when you receive your annual physical, you will earn a Healthy Reward gift card! 

Will an Annual Checkup Lead to a Better Health Outcome?

Yes, annual checkups can lead to better health for everyone!

They can reduce your risk for disease. They support early diagnosis and treatment. JAMA says they can also lead to better control of risk factors and improved health outcomes.

Even healthy people can benefit from an annual checkup. Your doctor can mention health issues to look out for in the future. Annual checkups can also give you peace of mind regarding your health concerns.


A yearly exam is one of the best ways to manage your general health. It may lead to fewer doctor appointments every year. It can also help you save on costs related to treatments and missed work.

Don’t hold off any longer! Skipping your yearly physical is like giving up a free health consultation. Make an appointment today and have a healthy and happy holiday season.

Do you need help finding a provider that offers a yearly physical? Jai Medical Systems can help. Contact us at 1-888-524-1999 to learn more about our benefits and services.

Keeping your kids updated on vaccines and screenings is a good way to make sure they stay healthy as they grow older. Vaccines and screenings are types of preventive health services. They are usually provided during routine and yearly well-child visits.

Taking your kids for regular health checkups comes with a long list of benefits. Here’s a closer look at those benefits.

Stay Updated on Immunizations

Vaccines and immunizations can protect your kids from serious diseases. They can strengthen their immune systems and help them fight germs.

At well-child visits, your provider can make sure your kids are up to date on immunizations. Many providers follow the CDC immunization schedule, and in Maryland, pediatricians follow the Maryland Department of Health recommended vaccine schedule  . Your provider can tell you which vaccines your kids need based on their age and health status.

Diseases that may be prevented with vaccines include:

  • Chickenpox
  • Flu
  • Diphtheria (an infection of the nose and throat)
  • Hepatitis A and B
  • Hib (a bacteria that can lead to brain infection)
  • HPV
  • Measles
  • Meningococcal (an infection of the brain and spinal cord)
  • Mumps
  • Polio
  • Pneumococcal (a serious bacterial disease)
  • Rotavirus (a virus that causes diarrhea)
  • Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV, a respiratory virus)
  • Rubella (a type of measles)
  • Tetanus
  • Whooping cough

Attend Routine Exams and Screenings

Screenings allow your healthcare provider to find and diagnose serious health conditions in your kids. Diseases that are caught early on can often be treated right away.

Recommended screenings for kids between the ages of 2 and 18:

  • Vision and hearing tests, every 1 to 2 years
  • Nutritional Screenings 
  • Social determinants of health screenings
  • Oral health checkups, about every 6 months
  • Blood pressure, every year after the age of 3
  • Type 2 diabetes, at least every 3 years after the age of 10
  • Weight checks at routine exams
  • Lead Screenings between the ages of 12 months and 24 months, and additional testing, as necessary 
  • Other health screenings, as needed 


Counseling on important health topics may also be given to your kids during yearly exams. Health topics that may be covered during well-child visits include:

  • Exercise and physical activity
  • Healthy diet
  • Quality sleep
  • Hygiene and self-care
  • Sunscreen
  • Anxiety and depression

Reduce the Risk of Health Problems

Vaccines, immunizations, and screenings are all key components of preventive healthcare for children. Preventive health focuses on practicing healthy behaviors that can prevent illness instead of waiting to make healthy changes after you get sick.

Benefits of preventive child healthcare include:

  • Higher quality of life for your children and for your family as a whole
  • Fewer illnesses
  • Mild symptoms of illnesses when they do occur
  • Early diagnosis and treatment
  • Higher performance at school
  • Lower medical costs
  • Longer lifespan
  • Fewer visits to the doctor or hospital

Kids who establish healthy habits early on can grow up to become healthy and well-informed adults. Routine well-child visits can set your kids up for health success and ensure they go on to live long and happy lives.

Do you need help finding a Primary Care Provider for your children? Contact us today at 1-888-524-1999 for assistance with finding a quality healthcare provider today.

Nutrition plays an important role in overall health. Vitamins and other nutrients in healthy foods can boost energy, and good nutrition can also reduce your risk for heart disease and diabetes.

At Jai Medical Systems, we recognize the importance of nutrition. We encourage you to use this guide to improve the way you eat.

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American Heart Month is observed every February. The goal of this observance is to raise awareness about the importance of having a healthy heart.

In honor of Heart Health Month, we are sharing important information about heart disease and tips that can increase your quality of life and lower your risk for heart disease.

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The start of the new year brings a chance to set New Year’s resolutions. You can set up many health goals to help your body stay well all year round. Here are a few important goals to follow in 2024.

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Every year, influenza (the flu) affects about three to 11% of Americans. This common illness is highly contagious. It can spread when an infected person coughs, sneezes, or talks.

Sometimes, the flu can be very severe and lead to death. Older adults are especially vulnerable to illnesses like the flu. However, getting the flu vaccine may prevent you from getting sick.

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Diabetes affects an estimated 11.3% of the U.S. population. This chronic disease develops when your blood sugar levels are too high.

November is Diabetes Awareness Month. This year, take time to learn about diabetes signs and symptoms. Then, share this information with your loved ones so they can take steps to reduce their risk.

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Low self-esteem affects about 85% of adults and teens around the world. Having low self-esteem can make you feel sad, angry, and depressed. It can also reduce your quality of life and increase your risk for mental health problems.

If you have low self-esteem, there are several ways to boost it naturally. Here’s more about the importance of self-esteem boosters and how they can improve your mental health.

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