Summer is here and so are the dangers of rising temperatures that can negatively impact the health of individuals of all ages. In fact, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) from 1999 to 2010, 8,081 heat-related deaths were reported in the United States. In 5,783 (72 percent) of these deaths, the underlying cause was exposure to excessive heat, and heat was a contributing factor in the remaining 2,298 (28 percent) deaths. Read More.
What You Can Do to Avoid the Effects of Sugar
The idea that sugar isn’t terribly good for us isn’t really news. It is well known in this day and age that sugar should be eaten in limited amounts, especially since so many products on the market are advertised as sugar-free or no added sugar. What may be less known is why sugar is bad for the body (aside from causing cavities and weight gain) and what can be done to cut down on the amount of sugar in your daily diet. Read More.
Nobody is a stranger to the fact that the flu season this year is especially harsh. Countless news outlets across the country have been continuously reporting the impact the disease has had on Americans, thousands of whom have died from it. Read More.
The flu season is officially upon us. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), flu season began in October and will continue to affect the U.S. as far out as May, becoming the strongest between December and February. Read More.
Diabetes is a disease where the amount of sugar in the blood (glucose) is too high because the body can’t take care of it properly. Even though some people are born with it (type 1 diabetes), in many cases diabetes happens—specifically, type 2 diabetes—because people have a family history of it and/or don’t take care of themselves properly.
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Why Smoke-Free Is the Way to Be
It is a well-known fact that smoking is bad for your health. However, many in Maryland still can’t seem to kick the habit; in 2016, approximately 15 percent of the state’s adult population had reported smoking at least 100 cigarettes within their lifetime and currently smoke every day or some days.
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Baltimore, MD (September 21, 2017) –Baltimore based Jai Medical Systems Managed Care Organization, Inc. (Jai Medical Systems) is the Highest Rated Medicaid Health Insurance Plan in Maryland and the United States for 2017-2018, according to the National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA) Health Insurance Plan Ratings. A complete listing of all NCQA Medicaid Health Plan ratings can be found here: http://healthinsuranceratings.ncqa.org/2017/search/Medicaid
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Why Consuming Liquids Is So Important for Your Body
When you hear about staying hydrated, you may think that it’s only important for athletes or people who work out a lot. We’re here to tell you: it’s not. Staying hydrated is important for everyone. This is especially true if you’re spending a long time in hot weather or have certain medical problems, such as diabetes or a heart condition.
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The way the healthcare system is today, people get treated for illnesses after they get sick. Now, there’s a different way to care for people: treating them before they get sick. This is known as preventative care. Read More.
What’s Being Done to Stop It
Opioids are a kind of drug that is used to relieve pain. They can be prescribed by doctors, but many patients are becoming addicted, turning to the streets to buy them. Read More.